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Lunchbox, The (PG)

Drama, Romance

A mistaken delivery in Mumbai's famously efficient lunchbox delivery system connects a young housewife to an older man in the dusk of his life as they build a fantasy world together through notes in the lunchbox.

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The critical consensus

It adds up to a delightful film experience, but one that should come with a warning about its constant scenes of delicious food preparation. Watch on an empty stomach at your own risk.

****(*)Paul Gallagher, The List, 03/03/2014

The ingredients may sound familiar, but this is chewier than a rom-com and far more satisfying.

****(*)Siobhan Synnot, The Scotsman, 06/04/2014

It’s as slight as it sounds, but there’s enough warmth and wit packed in to suggest this Indian charmer could have breakout potential.

***(*)(*)Matt Maytum, Total Film, 07/04/2014

The real deal. To quote Master Chef's Greg Wallace, it's a perfectly balanced plate.

****(*)David Jenkins, Little White Lies, 11/04/2014

Though this set-up makes it sound like the stuff of drippy Hollywood nonsense, it’s actually more Lost in Translation than Nicholas Sparks, with director Ritesh Batra adroitly choosing to keep the focus on the strength that his yearning protagonists provide one another instead of building towards a love-conquers-all fairytale ending.

****(*)Alistair Harkness, The Scotsman, 12/04/2014

By its final act, pressing home the most un-Bollywood message that life's often more complicated than the movies,it's assumed the feel and weight of a well-observed short story. Rabindranath Tagore, for one, would be proud.

***(*)(*)Mike McCahill, The Guardian, 10/04/2014

Delicately judged, handsomely photographed and beautifully acted The Lunchbox marks an impressive debut from Ritesh Batra that is recommended to romantics of all ages.

****(*)Allan Hunter, Daily Express, 11/04/2014

Will they get together? Should they get together? Will they even meet up? Batra keeps you guessing right to the end of this enchanting picture.

****(*)Henry Fitzherbert, Daily Express, 11/04/2014

The Lunchbox is perfectly handled and beautifully acted; a quiet storm of banked emotions.

****(*)Xan Brooks, The Observer, 12/04/2014

Wry and gently comic Mumbai-set drama.

****(*)Geoffrey MacNab, The Independent, 10/04/2014

Where and when?

General release. Check local listings for show times.

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