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Spy Who Dumped Me, The (15)

Thriller, Comedy, Action

US action comedy in which two best friends are drawn into a conspiracy after one of them discovers her ex boyfriend is a spy.

The critical consensus

An innovative genre blend that overcomes its bagginess thanks to sharp character comedy and a wildly appealing central dynamic.

****(*)Emma Dibdin, Total Film, 14/08/2018

Ostensible leading lady Kunis must know she's playing second fiddle but gamely provides McKinnon with a fine foil. The double-crossing errs on the disinteresting but their charming, credible, often hysterical friendship will see you through.

***(*)(*)Emma Simmonds, The List, 20/08/2018

It’s a promising idea that starts well, and although it starts to flounder by the end, Kunis and McKinnon do sterling work making sure it never completely runs out of energy.

***(*)(*)Olly Richards, Empire Online, 20/08/2018

A goofy and energetic buddy movie which never manages to be quite as funny as you expect it to be.

**(*)(*)(*)Geoffrey Macnab, The Independent, 22/08/2018

The chemistry of the leads makes or breaks a film like this; luckily Kunis and McKinnon are a blast.

****(*)Alistair Harkness, The Scotsman, 24/08/2018

McKinnon and co-star Mila Kunis keep up the chaos in this intelligence agent comedy canter.

***(*)(*)Peter Bradshaw, The Guardian, 23/08/2018

Features about Spy Who Dumped Me, The (15)

Director Susanna Fogel on the film's surprising use of violence.

Clarisse Loughrey, The Independent, 26/08/2018

Where and when?

General release. Check local listings for show times.

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