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The Rite

The critical consensus

The Rite’s commendable restraint and serious intent will find some adherents, as it attempts to swim against the tide of over-the-top horrors, but despite a strong cast and expensive production, it’s still just a hoary variation on The Exorcist.

***(*)(*)Eddie Harrison, The List, 18/02/2011

Though it's doubtful this will be remembered as a horror touchstone in years to come, there's enough entertainment to be found within.

***(*)(*)James White, Empire Online, 21/02/2011

Slow and laboured to start with, this sober spooker gets better once it realises its true calling and lets its star off the leash.

***(*)(*)Neil Smith, Total Film, 21/02/2011

Once it begins, there's no escape from the obscure biblical texts, children taking on deep voices, holy water sprinkles and frequent assurances that the devil likes nothing better than a holiday in someone else's body.

**(*)(*)(*)Siobhan Synnot, The Scotsman, 22/02/2011

A daft horror film worth seeing only for [Anthony Hopkins].

**(*)(*)(*)Nigel Andrews, Financial Times, 23/02/2011

At the end, we're informed that the priests are based on real-life figures, as if that would make this hokum any more believable.

*(*)(*)(*)(*)Anthony Quinn, The Independent, 25/02/2011

This cornball tale of demonic possession is "inspired by true events", "suggested by" a book by Matt Baglio and almost certainly prompted by back-to-back viewings of The Exorcist and the second Da Vinci Code movie.

**(*)(*)(*)Xan Brooks, The Guardian, 24/02/2011

Handsomely mounted slab of pure hokum.

**(*)(*)(*)Alison Rowat, The Herald, 24/02/2011

There ain't nothing right with The Rite.

*(*)(*)(*)(*)Daily Record, 25/02/2011

Hopkins at least has fun hamming things up, but the film around him simply goes through the motions.

**(*)(*)(*)Alistair Harkness, The Scotsman, 26/02/2011

Earnestly sober and extremely dull.

Philip French, The Observer, 27/02/2011

Features about The Rite

Anthony Hopkins interview

Sean Macaulay, The Telegraph, 31/01/2011

Hopkins seeks the 'devil' inside, in new film

The Independent, 01/02/2011

Where and when?

General release. Check local listings for show times.

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