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England is Mine (15)

Biography, Drama

A portrait of Steven Patrick Morrissey and his early life in 1970's Manchester before he went on to become lead singer of seminal 80's band The Smiths.

The critical consensus

It's cleverly observed and sometimes funny too in its own very downbeat way, as it explains just how Morrissey emerged out of his chrysalis.

***(*)(*)Geoffrey Macnab, The Independent, 02/08/2017

Gives Morrissey and Smiths fans a dose of what life was like for the brooding musician before his days as a leading front man.

***(*)(*)Bojana Duric, Little White Lies, 02/08/2017

The teenage years of the Smiths frontman are boiled down to a sentimental kitchen-sink drama that’s elevated by an honest performance from its lead.

***(*)(*)Peter Bradshaw, The Guardian, 02/08/2017

England is Mine feels true to a certain type of self-flagellating artistic experience and Lowden is good at walking a sympathetic line between Morrissey’s passive, self-pitying narcissism and his sincere ambition to do something lasting in the world.

***(*)(*)Alistair Harkness, The Scotsman, 03/08/2017

It is a suitably grey and gloomy portrait of the artist as a young man with an eclectic soundtrack and a plucky central performance from Dunkirk’s Jack Lowden.

***(*)(*)Allan Hunter, Daily Express, 04/08/2017

This biopic of the embryonic Smiths singer is hamstrung without the music of the band.

**(*)(*)(*)Wendy Ide, The Observer, 06/08/2017

Features about England is Mine (15)

Morrissey movie director: 'We don't want to upset him.'

Ian Youngs, BBC, 03/08/2017

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