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Fahrenheit 11/9 (15)


Documentary in which the filmmaker Michael Moore examines the state of US politics.

The critical consensus

Michael Moore's impassioned latest documentary examines the political landscape that gave rise to Trump.

****(*)Matthew Turner, The List, 15/10/2018

An uneven but appropriately rousing attack on Trump, which occasionally loses its focus as it makes its bigger, scarier points about the United States’ slide into despotism.

****(*)Dan Jolin, Empire Online, 16/10/2018

Same old schtick, but there’s a strong message of hope to offset the horror.

***(*)(*)Adam Woodward, Little White Lies, 16/10/2018

In his latest documentary, Moore’s bewildered fury at the president is powerfully evident, but he fails to deliver a knockout blow.

***(*)(*)Peter Bradshaw, The Guardian, 17/10/2018

Fahrenheit 11/9 is a stirring, funny and angry piece of polemical filmmaking that hits the mark far more often than it misses.

****(*)Geoffrey Macnab, The Independent, 18/10/2018

The documentarist uses his trademark style to make an alarmingly persuasive case that US democracy is under threat.

****(*)Wendy Ide, The Observer, 20/10/2018

Michael Moore’s exploration into how the US ended up with its current president has a frustratingly scattergun approach, although parallels between the director and his subject are amusing.

***(*)(*)Alistair Harkness, The Scotsman, 23/10/2018

Where and when?

Cameo, Edinburgh from Friday October 19, 2018, until Thursday October 25, 2018. More info:

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