Michael Cox reviews 'a production that wears its heart on its sleeve'.
Adults that go see Sparkle will be treated to two productions for the price of one: they will see Honolulu Theatre for Youth in Hawaii and Catherine Wheels Theatre Company’s consistently charming production, and they will be treated to the utter delight that the children (sat on smaller seats in the front) give with their reactions throughout.
Kokua (Hawaiian for ‘helper) greets everyone, wondering if ‘Sparkle’ is in the audience. She finds him—as a tiny bubble that floats above the stage. Sparkle quickly grows, and it’s his first day at school. But he doesn’t want to wear the boring school uniform—he wants to wear his glittery ‘sparkle’ clothes. A friend is made, but a bully is also encountered.
Sparkle is a production that wears its heart on its sleeve. Its two actors (Nathaniel Niemi as Sparkle and Christina Uyeno as Kokua) are absolutely delightful, and its thin metaphors for acceptance and understanding are easy to empathise with. There may not be much story-wise, but it gives its message with a beaming smile. And going by the reactions of the children, it certainly connects to its intended audience.
Sparkle performs at Summerhall until August 25 (not 12 or 19) at 10.20am.