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Power Up!

Lorna Irvine speaks with Kenny Boyle about an upcoming challenge.

No stranger to a challenge, Kenny Boyle has already garnered critical acclaim with his work as one-half of Sonic Boom Theatre Company, particularly with one-man hit play Hero Worship, which he wrote and performed himself as part of the Glasgow International Comedy Festival. Now, the play makes a welcome return as part of the performance strand of Glasgow Comic Con.

As if that weren't enough, he is also embarking on a gruelling obstacle course that would make the Green Goblin turn white. Tough Mudder is a ridiculously tough series of challenges: featuring twelve miles or more of mud, ice, rivers, fire, tear gas, electric shocks...and a twelve foot plunge into freezing cold water.

As someone who deliberately ducked out of cross-country running at school, I asked if he was powered by Duracell. 'I'm powered by the Earth's yellow sun,' he quips. 'Hero Worship is about finding the superhero inside yourself, and last time it was on I reached a lot of people with the message of the play--you can achieve anything if you believe in yourself. This time, I wanted to prove it.’

With that in mind, he is joining a team called Raynor's Raiders, who will embark on the course at Drumlanrig Castle on Saturday the 20th of June at nine am, with the money raised going to the charity Help For Heroes. They're maybe not quite the Avengers, but it's an impressive and daunting enough feat for anyone to take on.

Boyle goes on: 'We're more like the Mystery Men. Our aim is to work as a team, overcome all the obstacles...and make it to the end together. We might not do it with much grace or style, but we'll do it.’

Hero Worship is at the CCA, Wednesday, 1st July

For more information on Tough Mudder challenges:

Follow Kenny Boyle's progress on Twitter: @heroworshipplay

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