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Drama, Thriller

Gangster and deadbeat dad, Ulysses Pick, embarks on an unusual journey through his home.

The critical consensus

Keyhole is an enchantment of chiaroscuro compositions which float across the screen like a dream; it’s an acquired taste but pure cinema nevertheless.

****(*)Emma Simmonds, The List, 10/09/2012

It's so dreamily mesmerising, it often feels as if you've nodded off into a dream and woken up again, minutes later. But Maddin's monochrome madness is painstakingly wrought, a restless montage of strange, disturbing, inventive images, apparently channelled from both the subconscious or the history of cinema.

***(*)(*)Steve Rose, The Guardian, 13/09/2012

If I could explain what happens in this retro-noirish fantasia on a gangster picture I would, but it would take about another 15 viewings to do so.

***(*)(*)Anthony Quinn, The Independent, 14/09/2012

Strangled by its own nostalgic mad love.

**(*)(*)(*)Nigel Andrews, Financial Times, 13/09/2012

Keyhole is a genuine curiosity, rather less interesting perhaps than I've made it sound, and an example of that narrow sub-genre, whimsical noir.

Philip French, The Observer 16/09/2012

Though self-referential to a fault, the deadpan humour, frayed logic and monochrome dazzle cast their own richly peculiar spell.

****(*)Carmen Gray, Total Film, 31/08/2012

A bravura journey into a noirish nightmare world and a lock that even paid-up Maddinites won’t be able to pick on a single viewing.

Wally Hammond, Little White Lies, 13/09/2012

Features about Keyhole

Where and when?

Dundee Contemporary Arts, Dundee from Friday September 21, 2012, until Thursday September 27, 2012. More info:

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