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Drama, Horror, Thriller

A teenage girl in the Midwest becomes infected by an outbreak of a disease that slowly turns the infected into cannibalistic zombies. During her transformation, her loving father stays by her side.

The critical consensus

It feels a little like ‘a very special episode of The Walking Dead’ and might be a tad low-key for its field, but Schwarzenegger and Breslin are good and the payoff is affecting.

***(*)(*)Kim Newman, Empire Online, 20/07/2015

A sad, gloomy family drama dressed up as horror, Maggie proves that Schwarzenegger can act when he wants to – even if he still looks like he’d rather be blowing shit up.

***(*)(*)Paul Bradshaw, Total Film, 20/07/2015

A grim zombie outing starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Abigail Breslin that drowns in body fluids and emo slush.

*(*)(*)(*)(*)Peter Bradshaw, The Guardian, 23/07/2015

Arnold Schwarzenegger gives soulful performance in family drama.

**(*)(*)(*)Geoffrey MacNab, The Independent, 24/07/2015

With a dearth of action, the actors have to carry the day and Arnie just isn’t up to it.

**(*)(*)(*)Henry Fitzherbert, Sunday Express, 26/07/2015

Essentially it’s using zombies as a metaphor for terminal illness, which makes it a more dolorous film than one might have expected, but with the current pop culture ubiquity of zombies, it also shows there’s life left in the undead yet.

***(*)(*)Alistair Harkness, The Scotsman, 25/07/2015

Schwarzenegger shows surprising delicacy as a man trying to prevent his child succumbing to a deadly virus.

***(*)(*)Jonathan Romney, The Observer, 26/07/2015

Where and when?

General release. Check local listings for show times.

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