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Best (George Best: All By Himself) (12A)


A heart-breaking portrait of one of the world's truly great sporting talents, whose extraordinary gift was decimated by his own addiction.

The critical consensus

Occasionally enlightening but somewhat incomplete documentary about the rise and fall of the titular footballer.

***(*)(*)Eddie Harrison, The List, 20/02/2017

A substantial if uneven account of an icon’s downfall.

***(*)(*)Cian Traynor, Little White Lies, 21/02/2017

This is an illuminating and moving film which shows Best at his seediest and most pathetic but never loses sight of the brilliance that made the homesick kid from Belfast into football’s first superstar.

****(*)Geoffrey Macnab, The Independent, 22/02/2017

If Best’s story is a cautionary tale that’s become a cliché across all walks of life, Gordon’s film functions as a useful reminder that there’s always a human being behind such tales.

***(*)(*)Alistair Harkness, The Scotsman, 23/02/2017

This sentimental survey of the life of the fallen football legend retreads familiar turf, adding nothing new.

**(*)(*)(*)Peter Bradshaw, The Guardian, 23/02/2017

You are left sensing he was at his happiest as a teenager at Manchester United who just loved to play football. But everything that happened afterwards was too much to handle.

****(*)Allan Hunter, Daily Express, 24/02/2017

A documentary portrait of the Manchester United star shows us little that we haven’t seen before.

**(*)(*)(*)Wendy Ide, The Observer, 26/02/2017

Where and when?

General release. Check local listings for show times.

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