Is pantomime like Marmite? Read more …
Would you risk seeing how it might be made palatable, perhaps even entertaining?
Z-listed celebrities with smutty innuendos and trashy pop covers have left pantomime in tatters. Pianist and entertainer Will Pickvance sets up the pantomime recovery centre and presents his manifesto for lifting the art form out of the doldrums.
With piano outbursts, songs, tantrums and original animations by Tim Vincent-Smith, ‘Pianomime’ is the long overdue antidote to today’s pantomime.
There is no denying the talent here, but the focus is sadly lacking.
“Very, very bizarre!” said a man in the front row at the end. Yes, it is.! A zany, surreal, Pythonesque musical performance with unique wit and charm.
Fringe performer Will Pickvance returns with piano-meets-panto show PianoMime
Summerhall, Edinburgh from Monday December 16, 2013, until Sunday December 22, 2013.