A little boy who lives in a distant village, is feeling lonely. That is until a mischievous star learns of his plight and decides to intervene. Through dance, music, shadow and puppetry, Jordanian performers Hanin Awali and Mohammad Awad, bring this enchanting tale to life. Read more …
Little Light takes place inside an especially created Bedouin style tent, with audience members seated on cushions watching the performance unfold.
Immersive children’s theatre at its most innovative.
Jordanian actors Hanin Awali and Mohammed Awad present the show with real grace and charm.
While each strand is enchanting, they do feel as though they exist in isolation with the link to the specific dog star feeling rather cryptic.
From the beautifully pitched performances of Hanin Awali and Mohammad Awad to the intricate direction of Symon Macintyre (Artistic Director of Vision Mechanics)...Little Light shed a lorra lorra light on the little things which make a big difference in our lives.
Symon Macintyre--Vision Mechanics and Little Light
Little Light: a tale about a boy, his dog and a fallen star.
Little Light: The Scottish-Jordanian Puppet Show
On Tour, from Wednesday March 21, 2018, until Sunday April 15, 2018.