This year's panto stars Holly Jack as Princess Tamara and Craig Glover as Dame Trot with ever popular Liam Dolan as her hapless son. Read more …
Join in the fun in the village of Merrydale, where we meet poor Dame Trot and her idle son. With the help of some magic beans, all their problems could be solved...Will Jack be able to outwit the very VERY Big Giant Blunderbore and marry the Princess Tamara? Will the Magic Harp sing again? Will Merrydale ever bloom again? Join us for two and a half hours of fun, frolics, silliness and sheer entertainment - with a handful of beans thrown in for good measure.
Jack and the Beanstalk delivers family fun, raucous musical numbers and Dolan’s child-like slapstick. There is no attempt to push the format and the show is carried by forceful energy rather than imaginative humour.
Palace Theatre, Kilmarnock from Saturday November 23, 2013, until Sunday December 29, 2013. More info: