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BarnumPhoto: Seamus Ryan

‘Barnum’s the name, P T Barnum, and I want to tell you that tonight, on this stage, you are going to see - bar none - every sight, wonder and miracle that name stands for!’

This exhilarating musical follows the irrepressible imagination and dreams of Phineas T Barnum, America’s Greatest Showman. The story of his life and his marriage to Chairy reveals a couple who looked at the world from opposite sides of the spectrum, and also reveals that she was the practical one who made his dreams come true. We follow the legendary showman’s life as he lit up the world with colour, warmth and the excitement of his imagination and finally teamed up with J A Bailey to create Barnum and Bailey’s Circus - the Greatest Show on Earth. Read more …

The critical consensus

Verdict: Chichester’s 2013 summer hit is revived, and improved, for a national tour.

****(*)Mark Shenton, The Stage, 11/09/2014

The tours eventual hoped for destination one presumes is the West End. Don't bet against it even for its flaws, we have our own version of PT Barnum in Cameron Mackintosh and he can create his own brand of magic.

***(*)(*)Kris Hallett, WhatsOnStage, 21/09/2014

A weak script that is given so much polish and razzle-dazzle that it’s hard not to be utterly charmed by the whole thing.

***(*)(*)Michael Cox, Across the Arts, 29/10/2014

‘People like to be humbugged’, but not short changed and this touring production is an enjoyable spectacle.

****(*)Gordon Clayton, Edinburgh Guide, 29/10/2014

A feel-good show that people of all ages can enjoy.

****(*)Susan Lowes, All Edinburgh Theatre, 29/10/2014

Cameron Macintosh’s revival of this production after a record breaking season at Chichester Festival Theatre is a sure fire winner with young and old alike.

****(*)Fraser MacDonald, The Public Reviews, 29/10/2014

Barnum the musical, much like the man himself said, “is all a load of humbug and film flam”, but it’s hugely entertaining humbug and film flam. If it’s an evening of colourful escapism your after with a highly gifted, hard-working cast and a charismatic lead, then this is the show for you.

***(*)(*)Lauren Humphreys, The Public Reviews, 01/04/2015

Features about Barnum

Where and when?

Edinburgh Playhouse, Edinburgh from Tuesday October 28, 2014, until Saturday November 1, 2014. More info:

King's Theatre, Glasgow from Tuesday March 31, 2015, until Saturday April 4, 2015. More info:

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