This intense and riveting story is set in a Perthshire country house during the Scottish Independence referendum of 2014. It revolves around retired academic and political heavyweight, George Rennie and his fractured family and former students, coming together for a dramatic reckoning. There are secrets to be exposed. Read more …
The play is an exploration of a way of life which is coming to its end, a family struggling to connect in the wake of political pain, grief and the beginnings and ends of great love affairs.
Expect a bold, funny and deeply thoughtful play about family and the forces that shaped the country we live in today.
Fluidly staged and strongly performed...but there's something ungraspable about it.
It is a pity that the drama loses focus in the second half, as the group fragments and revelations fly, but it’s nonetheless a compelling character piece, lovingly staged and convincingly acted.
'It's the first major work about the referendum': how Scotland's big moment finally made good drama.
Pitlochry Festival Theatre, Pitlochry from Friday August 25, 2023, until Thursday September 28, 2023. More info:
Royal Lyceum, Edinburgh from Wednesday October 4, 2023, until Saturday October 14, 2023. More info: