"The Chooky Brae" is a worthy successor to the previous installments of his 'Stewarton Trilogy', but doesn't quite deliver the conclusion it's characters deserve.
If some of the action still needs sharpening at the start of this long tour, the deadpan comic interplay between Sally Reid’s guilelessly straight-talking Norma and Jordan Young’s flint-eyed Rab possesses an intermittently hilarious chemistry that makes them a double act to cherish.
If there's a feeling – following the Fringe success of his rom-com My Romantic History – that Jackson is now moving on from this familiar territory, The Chooky Brae still provides a hugely entertaining night out, full of wit, wisdom, and heart.
The writing still sparkles, though, and it’s the characteristic wit and acute observations of the lines that will stay with you as you make your way from the theatre.
Hits its stride when the banter starts to flow...and ends with a crescendo of hilarity.
Jackson fashions a funny festive comedy that remains feelgood despite its adolescent bolshieness.
Breath of fresh Ayrshire
Daniel Jackson, playwright
On Tour, from Friday September 3, 2010, until Saturday October 2, 2010.