Alright - ye’ll huv had yer Jute, yer Jam and yer Journalism; but whit about Robin Hood? Or Jack the Ripper? Believe it or not, the city of Dundee has affected the outside world in ways completely out of proportion to its size! Cowboys and Indians? Naw, it cannae claim tae huv invented the genre... but did ye ken that William Duncan of Lochee was one of Hollywood’s first and greatest Stars? Read more …
Everyone kens aboot Dennis and his dug... but whit about the Dundee School strike that inspired it? Famous Females like stargazer Willimina Fleming and Freethinking Feminist Frances Wright, along wi’ mony a Great man from the cities illustrious past will feature in a Hilarious and heartfelt, Intriguing and alphabetical, Jam-packed Jaunt through some of the less well Kent tales from Dundee’s Lore... Marra, Mill Workers and McGonagall aside... Mibbe ye’ Never heard tell that the fearsome scourge Of the seven seas, the dreaded Pirate Captain Kidd started his days in Dunders?
Quite possible no one telt ye it’s where William Wallace bagged his first Sassenach? The result of (literally days) of extensive, painstaking Rigorous historical Sleuth work as well as some (quite possibly) Tenuous, Unsubstantiated and Very unlikely flights of fancy… Dundee Rep Will titillate, X-cite, illuminate and stimulate You through a roller coaster ride of music, mirth and merriment that is: A to Z of Dundee. Zoiks!!!
Ewan Donald’s production is action-packed and energetic if a little overstuffed at times. It will delight those in the know as well as those just beginning to get to grips with the city and her people.
Dundee honours William Duncan, Hollywood's first Scottish star.
On Tour, from Tuesday May 28, 2019, until Saturday June 22, 2019.